How to Make Desi Ghee: These easy tips will help you make pure desi ghee at home

How to Make Desi Ghee: These easy tips will help you make pure desi ghee at home


Nowadays adulterated ghee is also available in the market.
Pure ghee can be prepared at home with the help of cream.

How to make Desi Ghee: Desi ghee is used in almost every household. Desi ghee, which enhances the taste of food, is also beneficial for health. Generally, ghee is bought from the market in homes, but in the past, many cases of adulteration of milk and ghee have come to the fore. Due to this, doubts have arisen among the people regarding the ghee of the market. This is the reason why many people have now started avoiding ghee in the market. If you are fond of eating desi ghee and are concerned about its purity, then today we are going to tell you a simple way to make desi ghee at home.
You can easily prepare desi ghee at home by storing the cream that solidifies in milk. It will not only be easy to prepare desi ghee by our method, but the purity of this home made ghee will also be 100% guaranteed. Let’s know the simple way to make desi ghee.

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easy way to make desi ghee
To make desi ghee, first of all store 2-3 weeks cream in a utensil. For this buy full fat milk and after that heat the milk and let it cool overnight. The next day, take out the thick cream frozen in milk in a vessel. After doing this process for 2-3 weeks, enough cream will be accumulated to prepare ghee. During this, keep the store cream in the fridge for the whole time.

Now start the process of making ghee. For this, put the stored cream in a utensil and mix cold water in it and churn the cream well with hands or with the help of a churner. If you want, you can add some ice cubes along with water to the cream. This makes it easy to extract white butter quickly from the cream. After churning for 10-15 minutes, white butter will separate from the cream. Keep it aside by making balls in a utensil.

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Now take a thick and deep bottom pan and put it on the gas to heat it on medium flame. After the pan is hot, add white butter extracted from the cream and cook on low flame. Cook the butter for at least 15 to 20 minutes and keep stirring it with a big spoon during this time. Keep scraping the edges in between. When the butter melts completely, turn off the gas and filter the mixture in a vessel with the help of a sieve. Your pure and nutritious desi ghee is ready. Cool it and keep it in an air tight container.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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